Three trends currently in education

Even though the way we educate changes, traditional settings how we educate does not change. Often schools still use the same class format used by the last century, and books are still an important part of the education system, based on a rigid curriculum.

This changes, and online education affects these changes that are challenging in the traditional way we learned.

1. Home Schooling.

The more people are online every day, and our work structure changes. Boom in online education has begun, which challenges the way we see traditional education.

Home Schooling is a trend in many countries, because education becomes more expensive, and often still books and test focus. And the internet provides many sources for families or communities who are disappointed with the current education system.

International examinations are available for students who study at home, and are often recognized internationally. Often they provide curriculum, and even materials on their website to parents or community leaders, who regulate home schools.

Freedom of choosing this, and resources did threaten the role of traditional schools, which are often arranged around yesterday’s education, rather than focusing on tomorrow’s education needs for our children.

2. Learn independently

One of the skills learned by the new generation of new users we are independent learning techniques. These techniques challenge the role of the teacher, which is often the main information provider through certain books.

Realizing the achievement of independent learning is not easy, but examples of many young entrepreneurs today, show that many of them learn more from the web, then from learning in traditional colleges.

In fact, many of the most successful young entrepreneurs in the world have never gone to traditional colleges, which often justify the power of self-education.

IB schools recognize this independent learning trend, and have transferred the education of education to an activity rather than education based on examinations, and our students learn to be more independent, because of this change.

3. Traditional education failure

Traditional schools and educational institutions often base their education in the fact that they produce students who can adjust to life as adults, and are educated on the skills needed for the future.

In fact, more than 70% of graduates do not work in their field of study, and often need re-training in the real world. Another reality is that most people are not happy in their work.

A successful education system must produce the theory of people who work in the field they are superior to study in, and happily contribute to society. Conversely, it has happened, given that only 30% of graduates work in the field they learn, and only 20% of people are happy in their current work.

This may be the final failure of the traditional education system that produces unhappy graduates who need re-training, and employees who do not like their work.

Challenging traditional monopoly education system has never been greater, with the birth of online education. The unavoidable movement from the exam is based on practical activity-based learning, can create students who enter the real world, equipped with skills to survive change in the future in the 21st century.

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